Overview↓ Beginning of Life↓ Post-Abortion Resources↓ Abortion Facts↓ Reversing the Abortion Pill↓
At the heart of our mission is to achieve the end of legal abortion. While MCFL is devoted to protecting innocent life until natural death, protecting innocent children in the womb is what really motivates all pro-lifers to persist in their life-saving work. With that in mind, we have provided a variety of resources touching on the issues of abortion and fetal development to help equip you to spread the pro-life message and save babies.
Beginning of Life
- When Does Human Life Begin?
- A Human Life Begins at Conception
- Does Life Begin at Conception?
- The Facts on Fetal Pain
- Fetal Development and the Experience of Pain
- Douthat: The Unborn Paradox
- The March of Dimes and Anti-Life Politics
- The Precious Feet Story
- Fetal Development Images
Post-Abortion Resources
Abortion Facts
- 2023 Massachusetts Abortion Data
- 2022 Massachusetts Abortion Data
- Abortion and the Law
- Personhood and Abortion
- Abortion Methods
- Abortion Complications
- Is abortion truly a choice? Study shows high rates of pressure and coercion
- The Statistical Link Between Abortion and Prematurity
- Abortion and Race
- Planned Parenthood