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Assisted suicide and euthanasia pose some of the greatest challenges to those of us dedicated to protecting life from conception to natural death. Below you will find the 2021 version of Massachusetts’ assisted suicide bill, H.2381, and resources laying out the best arguments and talking points for opposing it. For those interested in the legislative history of assisted suicide (formerly known as physician/doctor-assisted suicide) in Massachusetts and elsewhere, there are archived print resources and archived videos to review.
Basic Information
- What is the MOLST Form? - Massachusetts Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- Map: Assisted Suicide in the United States
- "Oregon's Permissive Assisted Suicide Regime," by Wesley Smith, National Review.
- The Mass. Legislature must say "no" to assisted suicide, by John B. Kelly of Second Thoughts Massachusetts
- Comprehensive Rebuttal of Common Arguments for Doctor-Prescribed Suicide (Letter to Mass. Legislature Public Health Committee, 2017)
- Key Points for Debating Doctor-Prescribed Suicide (PDF)
- Ted Kennedy’s Widow on Doctor-Prescribed Suicide
- Ted Kennedy Jr. on Doctor-Prescribed Suicide
Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia: past & present (Book by J. C. Wilkes et al)
- “Euthanasia is not a ‘good death’. Euthanasia is when the doctor kills the patient”.
Comfort for the Sick and Dying (Book by David L. Greenstock)
- Classic on religious aspects of death in the Catholic Church.
Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty to Die (Book by Wesley Smith)
- this expanded edition makes a compelling case against legalized euthanasia and looks at the truly humane and compassionate alternatives.
Will to Live: clear answers on end of life issues (Book by Archbishop Jose Gomes)
- A Catholic bishop explains how to approach end-of-life issues and prepare for death in a way consistent with our Catholic faith.
Healthcare & Health Insurance Issues
- Washington Times Editorial: Death Panels by Proxy
- Article: Obamacare, Death Panels, and Euthanasia Counseling
- Charles Krauthamer on Death Counseling
- What Government Controlled Healthcare Really Means
Laws & Legislation
- An Act Relative to End of Life Options (H. 2381)
- Healthcare Proxies: Securing Your Future Medical Care
- The Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics
- The Patients’ Rights Council
- Not Dead Yet -Grassroots Disability Rights Organization
- Second Thoughts -Massachusetts Based Disability Rights and Anti-Euthanasia Group
Podcast & Video Library
- Fatal Flaws: Documentary exposes the big lie behind euthanasia and assisted suicide
- Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath, presented by Dr. Mark Rollo.
- "First, Do No Harm" Podcast. -Episodes by Dr. Mark Rollo talking about issues directly related to assisted suicide, MOLST form, etc.
Resource Archive
- Oregon’s Assisted Suicides: The Up-to-Date Reality in 2017, by Richard Doerflinger
- Oregon Health Authority Reveals Hidden Problems with the Oregon Assisted Suicide Model
- The Effect of Legalizing Assisted Suicide on Palliative Care and Suicide Rates: A Response to Compassion and Choices
- Assisted Suicide Fact Sheet (PDF)
- National Alliance Against Legalizing Assisted Suicide
- House Congressional Resolution 80 (2017): Against legalizing assisted suicide
- A Shift Against Assisted Suicide, by J.J. Hanson
- "How many botched cases would it take to end euthanasia of the vulnerable?," by Charles Lane, Washington Post
- "Assisted suicide cannot be a priority for end-of-life policy," by Dr. Vincent Nguyen, Orange County Register
- How does assisting with suicide affect physicians?
- Literature on Oregon Abuse Produced for Vermont (PDF)
- No on Question 2! -Informational flyer produced by the No on 2 coalition (PDF)
- No on Question 2 Website! -A copy of the No on 2 Coalition website on the Internet Archive.