We all know that abortion results in the death of an innocent unborn child but what do the violent procedures involved in abortions do to the women they are supposed to be helping?
The dangerous consequences of abortion are very real but you might not have ever heard of many of them. The abortion industry has a huge interest in keeping the information quiet. Arm yourself with the facts.
Possible Immediate Complications:
infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, damage to the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsion, hemorrhage, cervical injury, endotoxic shock.
About 1.3 million abortions take place annually in the United States. About 10% of women undergoing elective abortions will suffer immediate complications (130,000), 1/5 of these, 2% of the total abortions, are life-threatening (2600).
Mortality Risk
- Legal abortion is the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States (1985); the leading causes of maternal death within one week were hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy; the potential for underreporting was noted at that time
- International experts (National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Finland, 2004) publish a new study disclosing that 94% of maternal deaths associated with abortion are not identifiable from death certificates alone; the death rate associated with abortion is three times higher than childbirth
Long-term Complications
Breast Cancer
- The risk of breast cancer doubles after one abortion and rises further after two or more abortions (1981,1989,1990)
The Daling Study (1994) of women who had at least one induced abortion found Induced abortion raised a woman’s chance of breast cancer before age 45 by 50%. If done before the age of 18, the increase is 150%. If after age 30, the increase is 110%. All 12 women in the study with a family history of breast cancer, who aborted before age 18, developed breast cancer before age 45
— Journal of the Nat. Cancer Inst., Nov. 1994
- Statistical trends for eight countries, England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Irish Republic, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Finland and Denmark (2007) using national cancer registration data and comprehensive data on abortion show seven reproductive risk factors were considered as variables:
- Induced abortion of first pregnancy
- Low age at first birth
- Childlessness
- Large number of children
- Breastfeeding
- Hormonal contraception
- Hormone replacement therapy
Induced abortion was found to be the best predictor of breast cancer.
The increase in breast cancer incidence appears to be best explained by an increase in abortion rate. — Journal of Am. Physicians and Surgeons, Fall 2007
Other Cancers:
- Cervical cancer – the risk is elevated 2.3 times for the first abortion, 4.92 times for two or more
- Similar increases have been observed for ovarian and liver cancer
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- PID is potentially life-threatening, can lead to increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and reduced fertility
- 20-27% of women seeking abortion have a Chlamydia infection
- 23% of women who have an infection at the time of the abortion will develop PID within 4 weeks
- 5% of non-infected women will develop PID
Other Complications:
- Uterine perforation, 2-3% of all women who abort (26,000)
- Cervical laceration, 1% of all women who abort (13,000)
- Both of these injuries can result in complications for future pregnancies
- Placenta previa
- Labor complications
- Handicapped newborns
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Premature delivery