Free booklet: From Fertilization to Birth

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"Our counselors absolutely love the new fetal development books. They find that if the woman is too early in her pregnancy to see very much on an ultrasound, they use the booklet as a supplement. They really review the information and are amazed by the imagery. Thank you so much for providing us with this very valuable tool to help moms and dads save the lives of their babies."

Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center
Attleboro, MA

When young people learn the facts of fetal development, they are more likely to become pro-life and even advocate for the unborn. Currently, Massachusetts schools are not required to include even the basics of prenatal biology in their science curriculum.

That's why MCFL supporters contributed to this one-of-a-kind effort to inform our youth. 

Volunteers are working to distribute copies of these 31-page pocket-sized pieces to groups of students across the state -- groups with at least one adult who can guide teens through the content, providing an environment for questions and answers.

Will you help?

There are many ways in which you can help us in spreading the facts about fetal development:

  • Sign up as a volunteer to distribute booklets within your community.
  • Make a donation to aid us in re-ordering booklets and creating a Spanish version.
  • Complete the form below to request copies.