Despite the current pro-abortion stance of the majority of legislators in Massachusetts, the state continues to offer a range of life-affirming programs that provide essential support to individuals and families. From health and nutrition assistance to paid family leave and child care aid, these initiatives empower families with valuable resources. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of available services for those who choose to have their children and not pursue abortion, ensuring that, even in a challenging political climate, families can access the support they need to make life-affirming choices.
Choose life: Say no to abortion. You have options and support available to you. Regardless of the pressure you may face from the state or its representatives, the decision is ultimately yours—and it’s your baby.
1. Pregnancy Resource Centers
Pregnancy centers are life-affirming non-profits supporting women with unexpected pregnancies. Part of a national network, they provide accurate information on all options and offer services to help women make informed decisions. Centers also offer ongoing care, education, and support to families, promoting the “love them both” approach.
Free services include:
- Lab-quality pregnancy tests
- Information on parenting, adoption, and abortion
- Ultrasounds
- Consultations with medical professionals or counselors
- STD/STI testing
- Material resources like diapers, clothing, and baby items
- Parenting education
- Housing referrals
Find a Pregnancy Resource Center near you on the Massachusetts Pregnancy Care Network. Learn more about Pregnancy Resource Centers on
2. Financial Support for Families
Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)
TAFDC provides economic assistance (cash benefits) for families, pregnant individuals, and caregivers to improve their finances and reach their goals.
Key Benefits:
- Cash payments twice a month
- Eligibility for MassHealth
- Referrals for employment, training programs, free child care, and transportation assistance
- One-time payments for infants and a seasonal clothing allowance for children.
- Families with children 18 or younger, pregnant individuals, and caregivers
- Massachusetts residents with income below TAFDC limits
3. Health and Nutrition Support
MassHealth for Pregnant Women
MassHealth offers comprehensive health coverage for eligible pregnant members, from prenatal care to postpartum support for 12 months. Services include prenatal visits, labor and delivery, and postpartum care, regardless of immigration status.
Key Services:
- Free transportation for healthcare visits
- Breastfeeding support (breast pumps, milk storage)
- Behavioral health and dental care
Learn More About MassHealth for Pregnant Women
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program
WIC provides healthy foods, breastfeeding support, and nutrition education for families with children under 5, pregnant, and breastfeeding women.
Key Benefits:
- Nutrient-rich foods
- Peer counseling and breastfeeding support groups
- Referrals to healthcare and social services
- Families with income below WIC guidelines or those already enrolled in MassHealth or TAFDC
- Available regardless of immigration status
Note: Mothers in Massachusetts have the right to breastfeed in any public place. Massachusetts General Laws ch. 111 § 221 (2008).
4. Parental and Family Leave
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)
PFML offers up to 26 weeks of paid leave for medical or family reasons, such as caring for a newborn or a family member with a serious health condition.
Key Benefits:
- Up to 20 weeks of paid leave for personal medical needs
- Up to 12 weeks of leave for family caregiving or bonding with a new child
- Most Massachusetts employees who meet the minimum earnings requirements
Massachusetts Parental Leave (Unpaid)
In addition to PFML, Massachusetts law provides up to 8 weeks of unpaid leave for parents following the birth or adoption of a child.
- Employers with six or more employees must offer this benefit
- Available to both mothers and fathers
Learn More About Parental Leave
5. Child Care Assistance
Child Care Financial Assistance (CCFA)
The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) helps families access child care programs through financial assistance, paying child care providers directly each month.
- Based on family income, employment, education, and certain life circumstances (e.g., domestic violence, homelessness)
Service Need:
You may be eligible if parents or caregivers in your household are:
- Working, job-seeking, or attending school/training
- Retired, young parents, or families facing challenges such as homelessness or domestic violence