Oppose bill that would censor pregnancy centers

In the past year alone, thousands of women across the state have easily found trustworthy, safe, compassionate and free care at more than 30 Massachusetts pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). Your help is needed this week to OPPOSE a bill designed to censor PRCs and prevent women from even learning about them, let alone finding support within.

State Representative Tram Nguyen, Andover, filed H.377 An Act to protect patient privacy and prevent unfair and deceptive advertising of pregnancy-related services. Next Monday, July 24, the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure will hear public testimony on this bill. 

Read the bill’s text, learn how H.377 would threaten our PRCs’ freedom of speech and find talking points you can use to voice your opposition in oral or written testimony. 

If this bill is passed, our PRCs, and ultimately Massachusetts women in need, will be harmed. We need your voice to ensure women experiencing a crisis during pregnancy can easily receive the compassionate care they deserve. Please see hearing details below and register to testify either virtually or in person. You can also submit written testimony whether you testify or not. 

When: Monday, July 24, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM

Where: State House Hearing Room B-2


  • Persons who wish to testify in person or virtually may do so by completing this form by 5:00 PM THIS FRIDAY, July 21. If providing testimony virtually, you will receive an invitation to the hearing with instructions via email after the deadline passes. 
  • Please note that there is a time limit of 3 minutes per person for oral testimony. 
  • Quickly submit pre-written testimony from the MCFL Legislative Action Center, which you can revise or personalize as you wish. 
  • You can also provide written testimony by: 
    • submitting via email to [email protected] (please include the bill number and “Testimony” in the subject line of the email).
    • mailing to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure at 24 Beacon Street, Room 42, Boston, MA 02133.
    • The Committee will accept written testimony on any bill up until such is acted on. Registration is not required to submit written testimony.

This hearing will be recorded and archived for later viewing. Those who do not plan to testify but want to watch the public hearing may view the livestream under the Hearings & Events section of the legislative website.

Find complete hearing details here. If you have any questions, you may email Marissa Dakin ([email protected]) or Dana Mascari ([email protected]).

Thank you for your help to oppose this bill. Please share this email and encourage others to add their voices, too. Myrna Maloney Flynn, our president, and Patricia Stewart, MCFL's executive director, will be testifying on Beacon Hill. We will provide updates on the bill’s fate following the hearing and any subsequent vote.


Massachusetts Citizens for Life Team



Massachusetts Citizens for Life

Pregnancy Care Alliance