Assisted Suicide & End of Life Issues

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Assisted suicide and euthanasia pose some of the greatest challenges to those of us dedicated to protecting life from conception to natural death. Below you will find the 2021 version of Massachusetts’ assisted suicide bill, H.2381, and resources laying out the best arguments and talking points for opposing it. For those interested in the legislative history of assisted suicide (formerly known as physician/doctor-assisted suicide) in Massachusetts and elsewhere, there are archived print resources and archived videos to review.


Basic Information 



  • Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia: past & present (Book by J. C. Wilkes et al)
    • “Euthanasia is not a ‘good death’. Euthanasia is when the doctor kills the patient”.
  • Comfort for the Sick and Dying (Book by David L. Greenstock)
    • Classic on religious aspects of death in the Catholic Church.
  • Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty to Die (Book by Wesley Smith)
    • this expanded edition makes a compelling case against legalized euthanasia and looks at the truly humane and compassionate alternatives.
  • Will to Live: clear answers on end of life issues (Book by Archbishop Jose Gomes)
    • A Catholic bishop explains how to approach end-of-life issues and prepare for death in a way consistent with our Catholic faith.  


Healthcare & Health Insurance Issues


Laws & Legislation




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Resource Archive