The sun had barely set on Mother’s Day, our celebration of self-sacrificial heroism, when Governor Maura Healey donned an ill-fitting cape and landed in Rome.
Perhaps seeking membership in the DC Comics Justice League, she offered brassy remarks to Politico during her Vatican visit, saying her theological roots ensure a righteous leadership. “As a Catholic, I think about what we were taught about making sure that we look after those around us — that we pay particular attention to those who are the most vulnerable among us.”
I’m not exactly a perfect Catholic. Few practicing in our billion-member tribe are destined for sainthood. Yet the governor’s wildly fantastic claim of living out the gospels, caring for the least among us, should nauseate the heartiest soul. (We’re too often seeing the same from other “Catholic” politicians.) Even those without any religious belief should be sickened. Tens of thousands of unborn children have been gruesomely slaughtered in abortions during Healey’s political career and as a direct result of her policies; as many girls and women, desperate for truth and comfort, buy heinous lies Healey helps to sell.
These days, we’re apparently more likely to find heroic qualities in a 28-year-old NFL kicker than in a mature, credentialled public servant charged with the safety and well-being of her constituents.
From #7 Chiefs jerseys selling out, to widespread praise in social circles, to wall-to-wall social media accolades – and equally-broad distancing – all in response to the (actual) Catholic Harrison Butker’s commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend, we’re seeing the results of fearless truth sharing. While not all agree on every point in his address, no one denies its courageous foundation. If principled, morally sound individuals like Mr. Butker end up becoming even a mildly prominent trend among his millennial peers, our future isn't as dim as it often seems but is actually quite bright.
Nonetheless, I needed fresh air after I read Governor Healey’s comments, so I ventured out for a walk.
The lure of a lesser-traveled path in the park stole my intent to keep to the asphalt. I made my way to the forested trail. Shade and pine needles covered it. My steps were brisk and confident, until I saw a snake on the path in front of me. I’m not a serpent fan.
The two of us were blessedly coordinated in the panicked dance moves that ensued: he slithered one direction, I hopped the other. Yet I landed in front of a second snake. I jumped right. She went left. I uttered an uncharacteristic word or two as I sped forward, then looked around quickly to make sure no one heard my colorful remarks or saw what must have looked like a 40-something woman attempting to do a football tire run without tires.
“Snakes!” I breathlessly explained to the gentleman across the way who had indeed witnessed the scene. What a relief to step back into the sun a few moments later, weakened ego and all.
As I walked home, my heart rate resumed normal range, and my thoughts returned to work. The metaphor between my interrupted outing and our pro-life mission quickly became clear. No, I am not implying that anyone is a snake. What I do think is comparable to my reptile dodging: the requirement that we remain aware, agile and prepared to address whatever threats cross onto our path. And when they do, we must be unafraid to respond. We must act heroically.
Here’s your chance.
Our upcoming Pregnancy Care Alliance (PCAll) event involves men and women who assert what they believe to be truth, regardless of certain backlash; they are heroes by any definition.
Please plan to attend this cost-free inspirational event next month! Our Celebration of Life Day will feature leaders and staff members from our state’s pregnancy resource centers, nonprofit organizations with the sole mission of providing support to women in unexpected pregnancies or who are healing from abortion. Some of those clients will join us as well, playing a key role in the day’s agenda. (Read on to learn how.)
While pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics 3 to 1, fewer than 50% of Americans know what pregnancy resource centers are, or how they offer the choice women deserve. Additionally, many more people are unaware of the attempts made by our elected leaders, especially here in Massachusetts, to close these community resources. A summary of those unjustified efforts follows this message.
At the State House, you will learn the facts and leave with tools you can use to ensure that pregnancy resource centers near you remain available to our women and families. I encourage you to invite friends and family. Children are welcome, of course!
Whether you can join us or not, if you have not yet done so, add your name to our petition, which calls on Governor Healey, Attorney General Andrea Campbell, each state senator and representative, as well as Robert Goldstein, Department of Public Health Commissioner, to not only withdraw all attempts to thwart the work of our pregnancy centers but also to issue a public acknowledgment that these resources offer true choice to women and men.
Please share the petition with your network. We need thousands of signatures if we’re going to convince our friends on Beacon Hill that pregnancy centers are worth saving.
At our Celebration of Life Day, women helped by Massachusetts pregnancy centers will personally deliver hard copies of each petition throughout the State House and share their stories with legislators.
I hope you’ll join us. Check the PCAll website for details and our speaker lineup in the coming weeks.
Two quick updates:
If you are a young adult in Massachusetts, or know someone who is, send an email to [email protected] to get involved in our work. Our newest chapter also planned a Young Adult Meetup at the Corrib Irish Pub in Brighton, on Thursday, May 30th, 7:00 PM. You can see more details and sign up at this link:
Finally, thanks to all who attended our special night on May 2nd. See Highlights from MCFL's 2024 Mother's Day Dinner in Springfield.
Here’s to heroes who really do stand up for our most vulnerable and inspire us to do the same, however we can and no matter the cost.
Enjoy your weekend.
If you’re unfamiliar with the battle pregnancy centers have been fighting, here’s some context:
Despite providing material goods, healthcare and counseling services, the value of which exceeds tens of millions of dollars over the course of their history, more than 40 years, pregnancy centers have faced mounting pressure from the state, hindering their ability to effectively offer a life-affirming choice to women. There is one reason why: pregnancy resource centers threaten abortion industry bottom lines.
Senator Elizabeth Warren cut to the chase back in July 2022, publicly saying of pregnancy centers, “We need to shut them down.” Shortly after, then Attorney General Healey issued a consumer warning against pregnancy centers, which is still on the state’s website.
Because we work to reveal the truth, Massachusetts Citizens for Life filed a public records request with the Attorney General’s office in 2023. Results revealed that, in more than four decades of service to tens of thousands of clients, not one complaint of merit has ever been filed against a Massachusetts pregnancy center.
The most recent attempt to undermine our pregnancy centers occurred in January, this time from the Department of Public Health. In a memo to licensed medical pregnancy centers, the DPH commissioner warned not just centers but their physicians – even including a veiled threat of revoking doctors’ licenses. The commissioner warned pregnancy centers not to prescribe abortion pill reversal – a safe way to potentially rescue a baby if his mother changes her mind after taking the first abortion pill.
We were confused. We knew many women who had given birth because of abortion pill reversal and who were grateful for this choice! We had not heard of any woman encountering adverse issues. So, Massachusetts Citizens for Life filed another public records request.
The results? There have been no complaints filed against pregnancy centers that warranted the threatening memo from the Department of Public Health in January.
It is up to us to protect our pregnancy centers. Please sign then share our petition today. Forward this link and paste the petition link on social media.