My name is Kelly Coluci, and I am a 17-year-old senior at Burlington High School in Burlington, MA. I have attended the Respect Life Walk my entire life. These walks, along with the pro-life cause itself, are very important to me, and I am dedicated to standing up for innocent lives. After talking with my peers, I have found that many people are misinformed about abortion and other life issues. They are completely unaware of the effects, or the processes, of abortion, and in some instances, I have found people who do not even know what an abortion is. I was in awe when I realized this, and it caused both me and my sister to think of ways to help spread a culture of life.
When my older sister, Kayla, was a junior in high school, and I was a freshman, we decided to start a pro-life group called “Student Lifeline Club” at our high school. A lot of issues came up regarding having this club in a public school, but we were persistent and it was officially recognized by the school the following year when she was a senior, and I was a sophomore. Once we got it started, we got a decent amount of people to join the group, and we encouraged people to come to the meetings regardless of their prior stance on the issue. We became the first public school in Massachusetts to have a pro-life club for students. Also, this club not only affected those who were members, but it started conversations about abortion to be talked about all over the school, and even on social media sites. Some students changed their views on abortion, others became more open to the pro-life position, and rarely, others got upset.
I believe more students should start pro-life clubs in schools, and students should advertise the Respect Life Walk as a way to educate their fellow peers on the pro-life cause.
One of the major fundraising events the Student Lifeline Club took part in was the Respect Life Walk. We were able to fill an entire bus with students, were introduced to the crowd, and helped lead the procession. In our club we were adamant about advertising this walk more than any other activity or fundraiser that took place. The great speakers and the people who walk are unparalleled in their encouragement, support, and information. The Respect Life Walk not only raises awareness about abortion, but it also raises funds for numerous beneficiaries that help pregnant mothers and children in need. As an active participant in the annual walk, I have also participated in collecting donations and sponsors for the Respect Life Walk and the pro-life cause for both MCFL and Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center, a pregnancy resource center in my hometown.
My goal is to try and educate as many people as possible on the topic of abortion and to involve as many supporters as possible in the Respect Life Walk. I also hope to reach out to support organizations such as Massachusetts Citizens For Life to help and provide guidance to anyone who may need assistance. Abortion takes the life of an innocent child, and it is my generation that is going to make a difference. By starting groups like the Student Lifeline Club in a public high school, and raising money for events like MCFL’s annual Respect Life Walk, we can truly end abortion in this country, and restore a culture that respects all human life from conception to natural death.