#GivingTuesday -- Give More Than Stuff, Give Life


Giving Tuesday gives the nation a chance to turn towards giving, rather than the consumerist taking so often tangled up with the holidays. At MCFL, we one-up that theme: Giving is good, but giving life is even better.

When you donate now, this coming weekend after Thanksgiving, or on Tuesday, November 27th itself, your financial gift can save a human life.

"I wouldn't have known I had another option if you hadn't been out here."  Lilly (name changed for purposes of anonymity) met me in front of Planned Parenthood while I was helping others start sidewalk counseling. She was pregnant.

"You know what? I'm never bringing my girlfriend here. That's whacked. I mean, look at that [baby]!"  Wayne (named changed) pointed at the handout I had given him. "I thought it was just a clump of cells."

"I learned so much. Not knowing was keeping me from talking to friends about abortion, to going out in front of Planned Parenthood. But I feel confident now I can really show a mom how valuable she is, and how important her baby is."

"I found you online. Thank you for your website. Thank you for responding to my email, and for the note and money. It gave me the courage to keep my baby." Anonymous


These are all people who -- because MCFL offered training or pregnancy resource help -- cherished or protected an unborn life. 

We give a lot of things during the holiday season. We buy a lot of stuff. But we sometimes forget just how much we can give -- life! Hope. The physical presence and love that let a mother know she is not throwaway, and neither is her child.

Please partner with us, and give this holiday season to make sure that every child in Massachusetts -- in the womb or out of it -- can celebrate the holiday.

Donate today:

$1,000! Life is priceless!

$560 will sponsor weekly sidewalk counseling vigils and training for new counselors in Boston

$395 will sponsor our education and community engagement directors to give pro-life talks to schools throughout Massachusetts

$100 sponsors a student to attend our pro-life certificate course, The Lincoln Forum (Oct-May)

$50 gives us the means to print pregnancy resource and fetal development brochures for outreach


Thank you for your generosity, your partnership, your life-saving gifts!


For Life,

Director of Community Engagement, MCFL