Introducing Mark J. Rollo, MD
Dr. Mark J. Rollo, recently retired after more than 35 years in active practice as a Family Physician.
Following his graduation from Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine, he served for ten years as a physician in the United States Air Force and later joined the faculty of the University of Massachusetts Family Medicine Residency Program. For the next 25 years, he practiced as Family Physician with the former Fallon Clinic, now Reliant Medical Group, serving the area of Fitchburg, MA. During this time, he also provided medical consultations in the field of restorative reproductive medicine, which helps couples overcome infertility without resorting to abortive, artificial reproductive technologies, such as In Vitro Fertilization.
For decades, Dr. Rollo has advocated effectively for the protection of life at all stages, from conception to natural death. Despite a busy schedule, he has been, and continues to be, an outspoken critic of abortion and assisted suicide and testifies regularly to oppose proposed, anti-life legislation in public hearings at the State House in Boston.
In addition to his long and distinguished service on the Board of Directors of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, he also hosts the radio program, “First Do No Harm,” which airs weekly on WQPH 89.3 FM and provides a forum to discuss medical ethics from a Catholic perspective.
Dr. Rollo and his wife, Annette, have four children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.