Act now: sign up to provide testimony at the abortion hearing scheduled for Nov. 21

Four bills related to abortion have been scheduled for a hearing before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary next Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

Massachusetts Citizens for Life drafted and obtained sponsorship for the following bills, which urgently need your support at the public hearing:

H.1783 An Act relative to abortion pill reversal; informed consent

H.1784 An Act relative to protecting women’s health; preserving maternal and unborn child life

H.1785 An Act relative to Down syndrome.

Additionally, we must work to oppose a fourth bill at next week’s hearing: 

S.1114 An Act enhancing access to abortion care. 

Here are ways you can help:

1. Priority #1 is to register to testify virtually by 5:00pm on Sunday, November 19. You may only testify once on Tuesday for a maximum of three minutes. So select just one of the bills above to speak about. Then see below for instructions on how to submit written testimony for the other three bills. 

Those who wish to testify in person may complete the form linked above, but it is possible to register when you arrive at the State House on Tuesday.

2. Use the talking points linked to each of the four bills above to draft and submit written testimony via email to [email protected]. Include the bill number in the subject line of your email. Make sure that your name, address, phone number, and any affiliated organization are in the message itself. 

You may also send hard copies of your written testimony to Judiciary Committee 24 Beacon Street, Room 136 Boston, MA 02133.

3. Watch your inbox to find links to pre-written testimonies in MCFL’s Legislative Action Center by week’s end. We will provide clear instructions through a subsequent email when the campaign is underway.

4. Forward this email to friends and family NOW, so legislators hear from as many constituents as possible. 

Hearing Information:

Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Room A-2, Massachusetts State House
Virtual Participation: Available

The live stream of the hearing will be available on the Massachusetts Legislature website.

We cannot build a culture of life without you, Content. You have the power to soften the hearts of our legislators and shift their perspectives. Testifying or submitting written testimony is as simple as telling them your stories, person to person, with love as your guide. 

Of all days, those leading up to Thanksgiving are our biggest opportunity of the year to convey gratitude for life and encourage generosity from those we encounter. Let’s get it done!

The MCFL Team

Massachusetts Citizens for Life



Pregnancy Care Alliance