Use your voice to protect parents' rights! On October 11, 2023, the Joint Committee on Education will hold a public hearing on Curriculum and Instruction, and your testimony will inform legislators about two crucial bills.
Whether you choose to participate in person or submit written testimony, your input is vital to shaping the future of sex education and instruction on abortion in Massachusetts.
Hearing Information:
- Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
- Time: 11:00 am
- Location: B-2 Room, Massachusetts State House
- Virtual Participation: Available
Bills Requiring Testimony:
H.587 - "An Act relative to securing parental consent for human sexuality education"
S.268 - "An Act relative to healthy youth"
Both of these bills hold significant implications for our children. Your participation can influence the outcome.
How you can participate:
1. In Person: You can register to testify in person at the hearing. Although walk-in registration is allowed, we recommend using the registration form linked here.
2. Virtual Testimony: If you prefer to participate virtually, please register using the same form. The deadline for virtual testimony registration is 3:00 PM on Tuesday, October 10th.
Additional Information:
- Each individual's testimony will be limited to two minutes.
- The live-stream of the hearing will be available on the Massachusetts Legislature website.
Submitting written testimony:
We highly encourage you to submit written testimony, which will be accepted even after the hearing until the relevant bill is acted upon. You can use our Legislative Action Center to submit your written testimony via the following links:
If you choose to submit written testimony via email, kindly send it to House Chair Denise Garlick at [email protected] and Senate Chair Jason Lewis at [email protected]. In the subject line, please include "EDUCATION COMMITTEE TESTIMONY" and the bill number, along with your name, organization and phone number.
Questions or Assistance:
For any questions or assistance, please feel free to contact the Joint Committee on Education staff at (617) 722-2070 or reach out to [email protected] and [email protected].
Your participation is required for shaping the future of education in Massachusetts. Let's make our voices heard and ensure a brighter and safer future for our children.
Thank you for your advocacy!