2024 Mother's Day Dinner program ads

Would you like to advertise in MCFL Mother's Day Dinner program?

The deadline for artwork and payment is April 15, 2024, and we are currently accepting advertisers.

Ad sizes

1) Full-page ad (4.75” x 7.75”) for $275
2) Half-page ad (4.75” x 3.75”) for $185

Artwork requirements
  • Photos and Artwork: Ads may be printed full
    color or black & white. Color is preferred.
  • Artwork must be at least 300 dpi.
  • File formats: PDF, EPS, TIFF, JPEG

Once you share your information below, we will follow up with artwork submission details.


We accept checks or online payments:

For check payment

Make checks payable to:
MCFL Charitable Trust
231 Norfolk Street, Unit B
Walpole, MA 02081

Please include:

Name of Advertiser, Address, City, State, Zip code, Contact Person, Phone, and Email.

For online payment

Please fill out your information and make your payment below. Please click the "donate now" button to purchase your half or full page advertisement.

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$ 275.00