Massachusetts Citizens for Life

Donate to the Library

Thank you for supporting the Life-Affirming Library. Your generous donation will help us grow our digital library and offer our members more access to digital resources in the future. We can only make a difference in our educational programs and initiatives if we have the best educational research tools and pro-life resources to offer our students.

The mission of the Life-Affirming Library is for it to become the best digital resource library on pro-life educational and research topics in the country.  The Life-Affirming Library is meticulously maintained by our Communications Director, Jennifer He, an experienced librarian who specializes in creating digital collections and virtual spaces. She works on curating the collection with the help and guidance of her colleagues at MCFL, as she wants to provide only the best resources in the digital library.

The vision for the Life-Affirming Library is that it will have the following pro-life resources:

  • The latest digital life-affirming research tools.
  • Links to carefully selected pro-life and end-of-life non-fiction and fiction books.
  • Lists of pro-life podcasts to listen to current pro-life news and topics.
  • Curated free multimedia content such as videos that promote and educate on pro-life topics.
  • Resources for young adults to grow deeper in their understanding of pro-life culture and community.
  • Beautiful artwork that gives a visual representation of the importance of being pro-life. 

But it is only with your monetary support that Jennifer is able to continually improve the Life-Affirming Library and make it the best pro-life digital resource in America. Thank you!  

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