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Pages tagged “Legislation”
Your voice heard! Legislators shelve anti-life bills
The Massachusetts Legislature wrapped up the 193rd session earlier today without passing any of the anti-life legislation introduced when the session began in January 2023.
August 01, 2024
Petition Against Extreme Abortion Law In Massachusetts
Bill S.1209, better known as An Act to Remove Obstacles and Expand Abortion Access in Massachusetts makes extremism look mild. Massachusetts has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the nation, and the world.
This bill would make abortion in our Commonwealth unsafe for women, common for our underage daughters, and deadly even to infants born alive during the deadly procedure.
See our quick facts on the ROE Act here.
Sign your name below to say no to extremism, no to abandoning our 13-year-old girls to predators, and our women to non-physicians, and no to expanding abortion in our state
(Both pro-life and pro-choice voters in Massachusetts agree: SD1209 throws the health of women to the dogs, abandons minors to sexual predators and big abortion busines, and unnecessarily reduces culpability for abortionists who botch procedures and butcher the patients on their tables.)
Thank you for everything you do in our movement to
restore respect for every human being
in our Commonwealth.
July 11, 2022
UPDATE: "ROE" Act VETOED by Baker; Senate Votes This Morning
Look up your senator at this link: http://malegislature.gov/search/findmylegislator
Governor Charlie Baker vetoed H.5179 on Christmas Eve
This week, it returned to the House of Representatives, where it originated. The House overrode the governor's veto. What we need you to do is email, call, and send social media messages to your state senator, and to at least two others on the list here asking them to sustain the veto. While messages from constituents will make the largest impact, we need ALL Massachusetts citizens to continue to email and call their senators.
--Thank you all who called the below representatives tirelessly this last week urging them to stand with courage for the lives our little ones and women.
These men and women have committed to upholding the rights of our fellow citizens, and creating just and life-affirming laws. An elitist, out-of-touch legislature is not a just governing body; we look forward to removing the men and women from office who have not voted to protect life in our state.
December 21, 2020
"R.O.E" Act Facts [ s.1209/h.3320] (VIDEO)
Member DeeDee Dorrington describes each point in our law removed by the "R.O.E." Act. This bill would directly erase medical safeguards for women and infants in Massachusetts, and promote late-term abortion access for any reason over the safety of our daughters and our women. Watch the video below, and share with your friends! Pro-life and pro-choice voters agree: "R.O.E" is a a huge NO because it would permit infanticide, remove 3-day long grueling late-term abortions from the hospital setting, and and remove parental consent and judicial supervision of our underage daughters who might be at-risk for abortion.
Watch here.
Call the Judiciary Committee and tell them you expect them to reject "R.O.E" (S.1209/H.3320) by or before November 12th!
Chair Claire Cronin: (617) 722-2396
Vice Chair Michael Day: (617) 722-2396
October 27, 2020
Pro-Life High School Students Enjoy MCFL Student Lobby Day
On Friday, April 13, 2018, a group of a dozen high school-age homeschoolers gathered at the Massachusetts State House to learn the history of the grand building, how our legislature works, and to learn how to lobby their legislators on issues that are important to them.
Anne Fox, president of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, welcomed the young people to the hearing room on the fourth floor of the State House and gave them some background. She told them that the Massachusetts Constitution is the oldest working constitution in the world and is the model for many other constitutions, including our own US Constitution. She also gave some brief background on the work of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, including our work empowering pro-lifers across the state to take action and ask their elected representatives and senators to vote for or against legislation related to pro-life matters.
April 13, 2018
How would you like child tax credits for unborn babies?
By Anne Fox, President of Massachusetts Citizens for Life
A vote is expected on "Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms", an amendment sponsored by Sen. Steve Daines to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1). The amendment is cosponsored by Sens. James Lankford, Joni Ernst, Jerry Moran, and Roy Blunt.
December 06, 2017
Testimony Against Doctor-Prescribed Suicide: Dr. David Franks
Many pro-lifers testified before the Joint Public Health Committee of the Mass. Legislature on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017 against a bill that would legalize doctor-prescribed suicide. The testimonies were limited to 3 minutes. We’re bringing you a sample of those testimonies.
Ladies and gentlemen of the committee, my name is David Franks, and I am chairman of the board of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. I am trained as a philosopher and theologian, and it is as an expert in social ethics that I speak to you today.
Normalizing suicide means the death of solidarity.
October 06, 2017