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Overview↓ National Legislation↓ Beginning of Life↓ How to Lobby↓ Archive↓
We work to pass life-affirming legislation, educate the public about the dangers of the current laws in Massachusetts, and effectively lobby Legislators to support pro-life bills.
National Legislation
Federal Legislation from National Right to Life's website
Bills MCFL supports
For the 2025 - 2026 Massachusetts legislative session.
Bill | Summary/Title | Last Update | Action |
HD.879 | An Act Relative to Coerced Abortion |
Presented |
Ask your legislator to co-sponsor |
HD.3995 | An Act Relative to Ensuring Resources and Support for Pregnant and Parenting Families |
Presented |
Ask your legislator to co-sponsor |
HD.4193 | Protecting PRCs from Taxpayer-Funded ad campaigns | Presented | Ask your legislator to co-sponsor |
HD.2115 | An Act Related to Down Syndrome |
Presented |
Ask your legislator to co-sponsor |
Bills MCFL opposes
For the 2025 - 2026 Massachusetts legislative session.
Bill | Summary/Title | Last Update | Action |
HD.1317 | Eliminating parental consent or notification from minors to get an abortion - "An Act relative to abortion care for young people" |
Presented |
N/A |
HD.2989 | Abortion access expansion - "An Act enhancing access to abortion" | Presented | N/A |
Physician-Assisted Suicide - "An Act relative to end of life options" | Presented | N/A |
MCFL members receive updates about the status of our bills and timely calls to action to advance each piece of legislation. Join today.
How to lobby:
Since MCFL's founding in 1972, we have been bringing a vigorous lobbying effort to the State House. We play a key role in crafting pro-life legislation and each legislative session we present a legislative agenda designed to advance the cause.
Passing legislation, however, is only half the work we do at the Statehouse. The other half is halting the passage of pro-abortion and anti-life measures. Education about these unjust bills and measures is key to defeating them. MCFL is committed to providing the necessary education to ensure that everyone, pro-life and otherwise, understands the pernicious nature of pro-death laws.
How to take action on legislation:
- Find your Legislator
- How To Lobby Effectively
- The Legislative Process in Massachusetts and Your Role in It
- Guidelines for Testifying Before the Legislature
- Write an Effective Letter to the Editor
- Current Election Voter Guide & Scorecard
- Find Your Voting Location
MCFL Legislative Action Center
We are thrilled to introduce the MCFL Legislative Action Center, a platform designed to empower citizens like you in Massachusetts. This platform makes it easy support or oppose bills at the Legislature, connect with your representatives, voice your opinions, and support our common causes.