Massachusetts Citizens for Life successfully hosted a virtual speaker series on February 28, 2023, featuring Dr. George Delgado, F.A.A.F.P., Medical Director of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and of Culture of Life Family Health Care. The event was hosted on Zoom by the organization's president, Myrna Maloney Flynn.
The APR protocol offers a "second chance at choice" for women who want to save the life of their child after regretting their medical abortion decision. In 2021 alone, over 8300 unborn children in Massachusetts lost their lives from the two-pill abortion procedure. However, clinical evidence shows that the APR protocol is 64% - 68% effective in reversing the effects of the first pill if administered within 72 hours of taking it and before taking the second.
Dr. Delgado, an instrumental figure in the development of APR, presented more about the protocol and recent trends at the conference. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN), a team of over 1,000 healthcare professionals, staffs a 24/7 hotline to assist women who regret their medical abortion decision.
The virtual conference was an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about APR and how it can help women who have had a change of heart after starting a medical abortion. If you missed the conference, you can still access the information presented by Dr. Delgado and learn more about the APR protocol.